Friday, May 18, 2012

post Mother's Day call

I love you guys, it was awesome to talk to all of you and think of home, to be honest I don´t feel homesick, it is a strange feeling, I long to be by your side, but I know that home is not my place, I am needed here.  I was made for the mission, sometimes in the face of opposition I get tired and feel down, and sometimes I feel like I am carrying the world on my shoulders, but Heavenly Father always gives me family that I didn´t know that I had to be by my side.
       I wanted to thank you all as a family, I know that you guys were made for me, you are such magical parents and I was blessed with the biggest support group in the world that stretched across continents, and a huge family that felt more like 2 clans.  And I am so grateful that you guys helped me to come on a mission, here my eyes are opened and I can see the magic and beauty of life.  But please tell the family that I love them and that I am fighting for them everyday and I am sacraficing everything to help everyone around me to follow our saviour,because I know that is what he wants me to do, stay strong Heather, in sports and in school, Mom and Dad don´t get tired, one day the battle willhave been worth it!!!  And Justin, We Are, Brothers to the End!!!!
-Elder McOmber  

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