Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy transfer! Work in the PAINT!

I am so proud of everyone, that is awesome that Justin´s Eagle project got approved, I have no doubt Justin has some good stuff up his sleeve, right after this email I am going to check out his website. Give a shout out to Rich Whitehill when you see him, Ele é o carra haha. And Heather, way to go on your 4th Grade project! I can´t wait to see the video someday! I am so proud of all of you, I cannot imagine a better family to have prepared me for my mission.
1. My living conditions right now are awesome, I am living in an apartment with 4 other missionaries, we have quite a bit of space, running water, water to drink that we can buy nearby, plenty of sun to dry clothes, a washing machine, a bed, a place in the apaartment to study, we have got it made.
2. My testimony doesn´t really grow or shrink, I am willing to bet 2 years of my life that this church is the true church. I don´t just believe, I know that I am doing the work of the Lord, I know that my purpose as a missionary is to invite the whole world to follow Jesus Christ, and I know that the only place that they can recieve what they need to follow him is in His church. I do not believe this because I was born into this religion, I know for myself that I am following Jesus Christ. In John chapter 14 Jesus´apostolos are afraid because they don´t know where they can find the truth after Jesus leaves and he says "I will leave you a comforter that will help and guide you and teach you what you need to know" As I do this work I feel this counselor, and I can´t explain it, but when I pray I feel the presence of someone listening, and I know that my Heavenly Father is listening. I feel this comforter, and so I know that I am following him, and I feel that comforter strongest when I invite others to follow Jesus Christ.
But this past week was my hardest week yet, but yesterday we had transfers, I was transfered and I have recieved a new companion, his name is Elder Garrett. He is way cool, we are opening an area along with Elder Maia, and Elder Redd. It is pretty awesome, the missionaries that worked here before were way awesome, and last night I met someone that Elder Sheffer (A teacher in the MTC of Provo) baptised, tonight us 4 are going to talk to a leader of the branch, draw up boundaries and get to work, It is way awesome, it is just me and 4 other missionaries for miles and miles. Yesterday we rode on a bus all day and arrived in our area during the night. As my companion and I rode on the bus I watched as we passed by fields and fields of beautiful green crops flashing by in the wind. I thought of everything I had experienced until now and I prayed in my heart to my Heavenly Father and thanked him of this gift. As I rode on that bus I had this strong feeling like I was going to freedom, now we have arrived, and let me tell you, I believe I have made it to paradise, or at least, I hope paradise looks this good. I am excited to help this branch to grow and become strong, my companion is finishing his mission, but he wants to leave his mission knowing that he did everything he could, I am excited to work with him. The other companionship has a real chill trainer and a super excited filhão, I honestly believe that my Heavenly Father has miracles in store, we just have to go all out. But honestly, I feel so free and so excited, 4 missionaries that are all new in this area, it is about time to do some work in the paint.
-Elder McOmber

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