Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 22, new area, 4 missionaries, much to do!

The name of my city is Penedo. It is gorgeous!! We just have a Ramo (Branch) here, it is waiting to become a ward (means bigger building) We just have us, Elder Maia, Elder Redd, Elder Garrett and me for the whole city!! It is a big area, but it is a blast, all of my companions are powerful missionaries and we all work together to help the will of the Loard come to pass. We have a ton of young men in our city that are way excited about missionary work, we have been working with them a ton in order to go everywhere we need to. I feel like I should share a story, 2 days ago I was with a kid named Ezmar, he was baptised by one of the teachers that I knew in the MTC in Provo. We were walking along and I felt really strongly to talk to this man on the side of the street, he told us he was going home but was waiting for his family, I asked if we could go with him, we walked over to a part of the city called Cidade do povo (city of the people) When we got near his house his wife and their extended family were waiting inside this cottage, we entered and there must have been about 20 people there, Ezmar, and I saw the opportunity and we took it, we gathered everyone together and taught them about Jesus Christ and how the church has been restored to the earth. The spirit was so strong, and I told them that we would return the following night. The next day one of the teenagers that we marked with for a divisao the next day couldn't go, and we were running around like crazy trying to teach everyone on our doubled schedule, it was a long day, and we encountered a lot of disappointment, and we were having a really hard time. And when it was time to return to that big family it was too dangerous because it was already dark, but as we were returning someone called for us to enter their house, when we went there, everyone in the family that was receptive was there in the house, my companion and I testified to them of the importance of following Jesus Christ, and 2 of them accepted to be baptised. One woman, named Tais who was already baptised agreed to return to church. The second house we went to was a completely different house, if everything did not happen the way it did we would not have encountered the people that want to follow Jesus Christ. I want to testify that Heavenly Father loves His children, and always knows where to place His servants in order to help them. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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